Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sept 4 2008 letter to US Congressman Jerry Lewis

Please read my true short story below then:
1. Call US Congressman Jerry Lewis, Phone (909) 792-5901 ask if the VA Hospital that treated the Veteran Needham, a man who beat his girl friend to death, is in his district? I think the VA hospital is in his district.

2. Please also ask US Congressman Lewis, “Why wasn’t the Veteran Needham given more care because according to the LA Times the Veteran was asking for help.”

Email other reporters and ask why LA Times fails to do a follow-up story? Use Freedom Of Information Act to find out who the Doctor was that treated Veteran Needham?

I wonder if one of Needham’s psychiatric doctors was Dr. Nieuwenhuysen who appeared to get kicked out of the Loma Linda VA hospital that is in Congressman Lewis’ district. A Veteran died in the psychiatric lock down unit 2NE that should not have died while under Nieuwenhuysen’s care at Loma Linda. I was there in 2NE at the time. I ate lunch with the man the day before he died. See my blogs for more of my personal details about Nieuwenhuysen and the Loma Linda VA.


Sept. 4, 2008

Carl G. Mueller, Nam 68 (909) 866-9310
PO Box 120707
Big Bear Lake, CA 92315

Dear LA Times Reporters: Orange County reporter
Paloma Esquivel,
Christine Hanley,
Mike Anton,

LA Times Sept. 3, 2008 story about Iraq combat wounded Veteran beats his girlfriend to death in their bedroom.,0,6813405.story?track=rss

LA Times fails to do a follow-up story and only says combat decorated (Purple Heart) Iraq Veteran Needham’s discharged for: “Unspecified medical reasons.” Reporters do say Needham sought help from a hospital but not if it was a VA hospital or which VA hospital.

Needham did write about suicide on his blog. LA Times reporters in paragraph 7 go on to humiliate Needham by referring to his writing for help as a “rambling posting”.

I too like Needham do Internet bloges about my suicidal thinking. But I also include in my bloges letters to politicians, reporters, and VA administrators complaining about Loma Linda VA hospital, US Congressman Jerry Lewis’s and other politicians like CA Senators Boxer and Feinstein. On August 25, 2008 I almost got into a fight with a Loma Linda VFW volunteer. Those letters will be posted soon.

I also write this because of two major on going lawsuits against the VA hospital systems trying to cover-up the Veteran suicide epidemic and the VA hospitals attempts to deliberately misdiagnosing Veterans with PTSD.

Carl G. Mueller, Nam 68

Honorable Jerry Lewis Phone (909) 792-5901
US House of Representatives Fax: (909) 335-9155
1150 Brookside Ave., Suite J-5
Redlands, CA 92373

News letter: PTSD

Paul Sullivan at Veterans for Common Sense (